A Beautiful Mess

The last month has been a whirlwind. We’re in California now, but I’m not sure for how long. We made the decision to come here based on some things that have now apparently changed since we arrived. It’s a total mess. I hate to say it, but this was a horrible horrible mistake. It feels like a long series of events happened that were never meant to be. I’m praying that there will come a time very soon that we can get back on track, my kids can get back on track – and we can all live our lives with minimal damage from all of this – both financially and emotionally. I keep trying to find the bright side and at the moment it’s not real clear. Aside from my getting to spend some quality time with my parents for the next 6 months or so – that’s about the only good that I think will have come from this.

We may still yet be headed to Portland, OR. I’m not sure. Our lives are completely up in the air, but I’m done destroying my kids academic year. We won’t make any more changes in their lives until the end of the school year. Then I’ll work on righting the wrongs. Until then we have to live with the mess we made.


  1. Jamie Dillier
    Nov 8, 2010

    Oh no! I’m sorry it’s not working out as you’d planned :( When we left, everything was already going to hell, so we had no where to go but up financially and career wise with John. But still, it took us a year before everything started straightening itself out with his job, my job,e tc… Good thoughts your way! And if CA really doesn’t work out, you’ve already got a friend in Portland :)

  2. Jennifer
    Nov 8, 2010

    Thanks Jamie :)

  3. Heather
    Nov 9, 2010

    Very upsetting to read this. I hope that your path is clear in the next few months and wish you luck.