
It’s May now. In my mind, I thought that, come May, I’d be able to start running outside again (I decided running indoors was not my thing this winter). I was looking forward to warm weather, putting away my winter coat at least until the fall. So far, I am extremely disappointed. We had a weekend or two at most in April that vaguely resembled spring – but the rest of the time, it’s been cold sometimes to the point of snowing. Last night we went to dinner up in Park City. It started snowing – which at this point isn’t all that surprising – we’ve been getting snow on and off for the last week. But then it REALLY started coming down. Driving back down the canyon – the snow was coming down so hard we could barely see where we going. All over the road, people had to creep along on the highway so slowly, not because the roads were slick, but because it was like driving through a sheet of white. Basically a blizzard. On the first of May.

I’m so fed up with the weather here that I’m seriously ready to move. Where, I have no idea – but I’m not a fan of the cold. And this is really making me long for some place new.


  1. jamie
    May 2, 2010

    OREGON! We had one day of snow, and it all melted the next day

  2. Jennifer
    May 2, 2010

    Haha. Yeah, but the rain would depress me. I need to be somewhere WARM and DRY.

  3. Bonnie
    May 3, 2010

    Mother nature is confused. Here in Upper Michigan the ski hills had to close down early due to the record high temps and the greenhouses opened up early.

  4. JenK
    May 3, 2010

    Oh- I feel you. Completely. We’ve had rain storms, hail, and snow all through April. May isn’t looking much better.

    Rain- it’s my nemesis.