Tracking Calories. Again.


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I still think is great, but I want something more simple. I know that fats and carbs play a role, but what I found to be the most significant issue was plain old calories. (It’s important to note this will be different for different people – and even for me, there was a time I was more concerned with carbs than anything else. Right now I think I have the carbs under control – but really just want some help watching the straight calories). So I’m going to give that “Lose It” (free) iPhone app a try. I’ve heard people rave about it – and if just watching calories is what you need to do – then this program seems pretty good. For the foods that it has in the database, it does include additional nutritional info (Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Carbs, Protein). But entering in your own custom foods doesn’t entail a long form to fill out. Just enter the name of the food, the serving size, and the number of calories. Done. This is perfect for what I want to do right now. (An additional note: For those people that want to track those other items, the simplicity of Lose It probably isn’t a good thing as I could not see a way to enter that additional nutritional data in for custom foods if I wanted to) figured it out: you can track these other nutrients, you have to just turn that feature on if you want it.

Anyway. Back on the wagon…

If you’d like to try Lose It too, here’s the link on iTunes. (It’s free)


  1. JenK
    Nov 17, 2009

    Good luck!

    Right now I’m tracking calories too. I thought about going back on WW but it just seemed too complicated. I need SIMPLE.

    Complicated is already taking up too much of my time.

  2. Jennifer
    Nov 17, 2009

    hehe. Yeah, I’m finding just tracking the calories is enough. Makes me think twice before eating something. It’s the mindless eating, second helpings, little sampling (here there and everywhere) that really does me in. When I have to account for it all, I immediately start to behave. LOL!

  3. Gillian
    Nov 20, 2009

    My favorite feature of Lose It is the goals section where you enter current weight, goal weight, and you can then see what your daily calorie intake should be if you want to maintain weight or lose .5 or 1 or 1.5 or more… And then gives you the date that you’d reach the goal weight. I also love the recipe section to easily enter all the dinner ingredients and nter how many total servings it will actually be & find out calories etc per serving. I started using Lose It in Aug to lose about 25 lbs and lost 12 by end of Sept… Then stopped using it daily so that originally I would have reached my goal in dec but now end of Jan if I get back on the wagon. Here’s to a good wagon ride for all ha ha