Happy Birthday Little Boy

With my parents here, blogging takes a back seat. :) Just the way it is. But I had to stop in and wish my littlest baby a Happy Birthday. Even though at 4 he’s not exactly reading blogs, especially mine. Though, he’d probably read Spiderman’s blog. Especially if Spiderman blogged about band-aids because those two things are what he’s most interested in these days. Well, Spiderman band-aids and Bakugans. Have you seen these things? (Bakugans) Actually they’re kind of cool. Weird dragon-like transformer things. Really meant for older kids, but he loves playing with them.

Anyway! Happy Birthday, my little man. I love you so very very much.


  1. Jamie Dillier
    Sep 19, 2009

    Ok, I’m glad it’s not just Alex into Spiderman and bandaids. We’ve also got magnet and sticker obsessions. Basically if it sticks, and invoves Spiderman, it’s AWESOME!

    Alex wants Bakugans just from seeing the commercials. I have so far resisted. Boy does not need another collection of little annoying things I’ll step on in the middle of the night on the way to the bathroom!

    Happy Birthday Zach!

  2. Jennifer
    Sep 19, 2009

    You know the Bakugans are not too bad. They’re actually pretty cool. But I’m kind of a fan of dragon-like-looking things, so I caved in early. LOL!