Pizza that won’t break the (calorie) bank

While I’m on the subject of reviewing cool yummy low-calorie stuff… I’ve been having a crazy pizza craving that just won’t let up. When that kind of thing happens, first I try to fight the craving, then I try to find some kind of replacement or alternative so that I’m not sabotaging all my hard work exercising and watching what I eat. If all else fails, and I really can’t take it anymore – then, yeah, sometimes you just have to accept the fact that this is life – get ONE slice of pizza, watch your calories the rest of the day, and then try to move on and beyond the pizza craving.

In any case, I’m still at the “find a replacement or alternative” phase of my craving. So I found a frozen, single serving pizza made by Amy’s:


One problem I usually have with  frozen pizzas is that they’ll do a large pie but the serving is only 1/3 of the pizza. I can never slice it just right. And then after I finish my piece, there’s the other two slices staring back at me. So I love the single serving size. Frozen pizza also has a tendency to taste kind of… I don’t know… blah? like cardboard? Not this one!! I’ve had other frozen dinners by Amy’s, and they’ve all been really yummy and low cal. The Margherita Pizza was awesome, filling, and only 360 calories (which is REALLY low for pizza – seriously)

Craving satisfied. (I think… well, if not, I can always just pick up another one of these and have it for dinner)