The Fuzzy Fierce Peach – iPhone App Story

TGooseRhymes Designs. You can see a video about the storybook here.

The Fuzzy Fierce Peach: $1.99*

*price at time of this writing.

Free iPhone Games

Just in case you were feeling too scroogy for the holidays (like I always do) 😉 there’s a number of free iPhone games floating around you can scoop up. First, head over to the appvent calendar – a free app every day until X-mas.

As mentioned on Mashable (where I found out about the appvent calendar), Ramp Champ is a really good and fun free iPhone app (it’s kind of like that skee-ball game. I still contend that skee-ball app is better, and worth the money, but if you’re not a skee-ball freak like me, then you’ll probably be satisfied with this free version. Not sure how long it will be free though, so hurry…)

I also downloaded the free lite version of Mad Libs, which I have to say is VERY cool (I’ll most likely be upgrading and buying the full version as soon as I get bored with the lite version… which may yet take awhile because the lite version is pretty good as is!!)

Updated: OH! Found another via iPhone Mom: Santa’s Village. This one’s free for a limited time too so hurry…

Little Cook Photo Contest

Awhile back you may recall I reviewed an iPhone application called “Little Cook” – I thought you might like to know that they are holding a photo contest. Here are the details:

Little Cook, a featured iTunes App Store game for kids is announcing a new contest to find the cutest Little Critic! The first prize winner will receive a $50 iTunes gift card and a free copy of the Little Cook iPhone application. Additional winners will also receive iTunes gift cards, along with the Little Cook app. To enter, visit the Little Cook Contest web page to upload your favorite funny photo of your child enjoying their favorite meal!


You can also just pick up a copy of Little Cook (currently priced at $.99) on the app store. (My kids still enjoy playing this game)

iMoo – iPhone Application for Kids

DScreen shot 2009-11-24 at Nov 24  9.49.23 AMPanda Cub Productions.

iMoo: $0.99*

Mobile Photo Nov 24, 2009 9 56 23 AM

Mobile Photo Nov 24, 2009 9 56 12 AM

*price at time of this writing.

Tracking Calories. Again.


Screen shot 2009-11-16 at Nov 16  4.42.03 PM

I still think is great, but I want something more simple. I know that fats and carbs play a role, but what I found to be the most significant issue was plain old calories. (It’s important to note this will be different for different people – and even for me, there was a time I was more concerned with carbs than anything else. Right now I think I have the carbs under control – but really just want some help watching the straight calories). So I’m going to give that “Lose It” (free) iPhone app a try. I’ve heard people rave about it – and if just watching calories is what you need to do – then this program seems pretty good. For the foods that it has in the database, it does include additional nutritional info (Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Carbs, Protein). But entering in your own custom foods doesn’t entail a long form to fill out. Just enter the name of the food, the serving size, and the number of calories. Done. This is perfect for what I want to do right now. (An additional note: For those people that want to track those other items, the simplicity of Lose It probably isn’t a good thing as I could not see a way to enter that additional nutritional data in for custom foods if I wanted to) figured it out: you can track these other nutrients, you have to just turn that feature on if you want it.

Anyway. Back on the wagon…

If you’d like to try Lose It too, here’s the link on iTunes. (It’s free)