Number Sense – Educational iPhone App
NHere is a preview video of the game. If you’d like to read more about the app, you can do so on their website.
Number Sense: $2.99* Updated: Price has dropped to $0.99!
*Price at time of this writing.
Faces iMake iPhone App
Fcheck out their website. Or you can watch a video that demonstrates the app.
Faces iMake: $0.99*
*Price at time of this writing
Dr.Seuss Earth Day iPhone Apps
I‘ve already posted a review of The Lorax and Lorax Garden, but in honor of Earth Day thought I’d mention again how great these two are. They actually compliment each other really well. I particularly like the narration in The Lorax. It’s really well done. In general, I love Dr. Seuss books, but there is definitely a “downer” aspect to The Lorax story. The Once-ler destroys everything and leaves it up to YOU to clean it all up, or else nothing is going to get better. But the Lorax Garden iPhone app game is a pefect follow up to the story, as it picks up where the book left off and has you planting Traffula trees and flowers and rebuilding the forests. It’s definitely fun to have both of these two together.
Here again are the links if you’d like to check them out:
The Lorax eBook: $3.99
The Lorax Garden: $2.99
Happy Earth Day!
Gwen’s Picnic – Memory/Match iPhone Game
GBright Bunny, is a cute food-based memory/match type game. Match up the pictures of the food and watch Gwen eat the food you found. (There is a food picture for every letter in the alphabet). The game can be played with the cards face up for younger kids, or face down for more of a challenge. There are also flash cards that help teach the names of each of the foods.
Zach loves playing memory games so variations are always fun and he liked finding the different types of foods on the cards.
Watch a video of the game here.
Gwen’s Picnic: $1.99*
*Price at the time of this writing
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