Gwen’s Picnic – Memory/Match iPhone Game
GBright Bunny, is a cute food-based memory/match type game. Match up the pictures of the food and watch Gwen eat the food you found. (There is a food picture for every letter in the alphabet). The game can be played with the cards face up for younger kids, or face down for more of a challenge. There are also flash cards that help teach the names of each of the foods.
Zach loves playing memory games so variations are always fun and he liked finding the different types of foods on the cards.
Watch a video of the game here.
Gwen’s Picnic: $1.99*
*Price at the time of this writing
5-in-1 Kids Pack game for the iPhone and iPad
55-in-1 Kids Pack is currently in the app store for an introductory price of $.99!
This app is also available for the iPad: 5-in-1 Kids Pack HD
Learn more about the app on Bacciz’s website.
Earth Day and Dr. Seuss iPhone Apps
OThe Lorax eBook is available in the App Store for $3.99 (one app specially designed for both the iPhone and iPad with no additional charge)
The Lorax Garden children’s game is $2.99
Dr. Seuss Senders, greeting card sayings and quotes, is also $2.99.
iPhone App Giveaway – iMoo
A few months ago, I reviewed a very cute iPhone app called iMoo. Just a quick recap – it’s an electronic version of one of those “moo boxes” – with the added bonus that you can make your own recordings. I have an extra promo code to give away (free). If you’d like the application, leave me a comment. (First one to comment gets it). This offer is only good for one week. (until 4/4/2010)
Easter Village – iPhone App for Kids
IHere is a video about the app.
Easter Village: $0.99*
*Price at time of this writing.
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