...and thus begins my last year as a “thirty-something”. Of course merely saying that kind of puts the whole use of the phrase “thirty-something” to waste and gives away my age. Oh well.
I let too many days slip by without notice. Holidays included. It’s not good. Time passes too quickly to not be mindful of it. I think that’s one of the points of having a holiday – if for no other reason to notice the passage of time. I’m not having any kind of party. We probably won’t even go out to dinner. There’ll be no cake or candles. We really don’t have any specific plans until next week. The actual day of my birthday will be pretty uneventful. So, I’ll need to try and do something – if for no other reason so it doesn’t slip by unnoticed by even myself.
It’s kind of ironic, when did birthdays become so un-fun? Zachary walks through a grocery store and can pick out a dozen things he wants for his “next birthday” (yes, he just had his birthday). These presents he wants can range from things as simple as a box of cereal to as complicated as a trampoline. But even though it’s just barely a week past his birthday, the excitement for the next one is already building. But for me? I feel like something is missing. It’s not that I dread birthdays because of age (although I do dread getting older in general), it’s like there’s still that anticipation but for something that never comes.
I don’t know. I do know that I can probably learn a lot from this guy. I hope if I lived to be 113 I could be so eloquent.
Happy Birthday Little Boy
With my parents here, blogging takes a back seat. Just the way it is. But I had to stop in and wish my littlest baby a Happy Birthday. Even though at 4 he’s not exactly reading blogs, especially mine. Though, he’d probably read Spiderman’s blog. Especially if Spiderman blogged about band-aids because those two things are what he’s most interested in these days. Well, Spiderman band-aids and Bakugans. Have you seen these things? (Bakugans) Actually they’re kind of cool. Weird dragon-like transformer things. Really meant for older kids, but he loves playing with them.
Anyway! Happy Birthday, my little man. I love you so very very much.
Rollercoaster of a week
What a week it has been. My parents were originally planning on coming out to visit us late next week. Then my mom did something to her shoulder and she was writhing in pain. It was looking like she would have to go in for surgery to repair whatever was going on. That would have sucked on several levels. Obviously anytime you have to go under the knife is just not a fun time. My mom has had shoulder surgery before and I have a recollection of it being months before she was feeling better from it all. On a totally selfish level, it meant I wasn’t going to get to see my mommy!! We just recently joined a new synagogue (an hour away (ugh) but we’ve, thus far, been really happy with the community there) and for the first time in… possibly ever, I was really looking forward to going to Rosh Hashanah services because my parents would be here and I was going to show them how cool this place was. My birthday is in a few weeks and I was really looking forward to being able to spend that with them. Zachary’s birthday is coming up even sooner, and I was looking forward to having them here for that.
Trains, Planes and Zachmobiles
So many times I have something I want to say, it’s too short for a blog post, but too many characters for a twitter update. I know there was a twitter knock off that let you use as many characters as you wanted, but I’m not quite ready to add another social media outlet to my list. LOL! So blog posts it will be. I’ll put these in a new category: Too Long For Twitter. 😀
I once almost bought a used train table from a woman who said she was selling it because her kids were no longer using it for it’s intended purpose (ie. a TRAIN TABLE) and instead were using it in their attempts to imitate Superman, getting up on top of the table and jumping off. I didn’t end up buying it from her and bought a new set instead but I swear I’m starting to want to sell ours for the EXACT SAME REASON.
Balloon Festival 2009
In town here they do a yearly Balloon Festival. Here are few pictures. The first few are ones we took from our street. (Friday morning they had a “Balloon Launch” just down the street from us). I’d totally forgotten about it until Zach started going crazy screaming about Balloons floating by the window. LOL!
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