Zumba Fitness Rush – Week 1
So this week I skipped the gym and stayed home and used Zumba Fitness Rush on the Xbox Kinnect. So far so good. Overall I’m very happy with it. I’m not sure if it’s really better than doing the exercise with just the DVD (I don’t have the DVD set) but I did burn a fair amount of calories. They actually tell you how many you’ve burned and they’re pretty accurate. The first time I did the “class” I wore my Heart Rate monitor so I could compare it with what it was saying, and it was dead on – scary enough. Although – my daughter joined me for PART of the class – and then disappeared – and it said she burned the same amount of calories – but maybe it’s just taking the average for the class.
Either way – I got a good fun workout at home. I was plenty tired and sweaty at the end of the hour – and I didn’t have to get into any fist fights with people to make room. So I would call this a success.
I do wish it would give more feedback during a *class* on how to improve. Some of the steps in the class vary more than they do in a regular in-person class – or they’re just a little difficult to follow. As well, some of those steps don’t have a “tutorial” mode on them so the only way I’ll figure them out is doing the same class a few times. I also wish they had a clock on there. More than once I’ve wondered how much more time to the class I had left. Again, though, I’m really happy with this “game” and plan on using it from now on as my main exercise plan.
Coolest Geek Toy (that my daughter is loving right now)
OSnap Circuits
line. Basically they’re these pieces that very easily snap together, and you build various electronic devices. A fan, (that also doubles as a flying saucer with the right set up), an alarm, a music box, a light switch, etc. etc. It makes building circuit boards as easily as playing with Lego’s. They have a little booklet with easy to follow diagrams showing you how to build the various projects. There are symbols on the pieces that show you how it would look on a “grown up” diagram. As well, the booklet explains what is happening with what you’re building – so it’s teaching you as well. My daughter cruised through the first set she got for her birthday (something like 100 projects). So we ran out and got an add-on set that had 300. For a kid that normally has a fairly short attention span, she is playing with this toy way more than I expected.
If you are looking for a really cool science type toy – this one is a great idea. The site says it’s good for kids aged 8 and up – but it is simple enough I think kids a little bit younger than that could even do it.
Click here to see the larger Snap Circuits SC-300 set on Amazon.com (you’ll notice it has 5 stars and something like 469 reviews. I’m not the only one that thinks this is the coolest toy ever) 😉
Here’s a video of her playing with one of her circuit projects:
10 Cool Games and Tools for the iPhone
I haven’t done a big roundup of iPhone apps I’ve been playing with / using for a while – I’m still buying apps like its nobody’s business. Here are a few of my recent favorites:
A while ago, I reviewed a few apps that I got to help me tune my daughter’s Cello. They were pretty good – but not perfect. What I really needed was something that could show me when we were *close* to the right note, how far off we were, were we sharp or flat… because honestly, when it’s really close, it’s really hard to tell. I first started looking at devices that did this and they were really pricey – then I found this app. It’s currently priced at $3.99 and worth every penny!! Just play a note and it shows you where you on a dial how close you are – watch the dial as you tune the instrument. (Works when you sing too!) It’s just awesome. Very simple and does a great job!
Cleartune – Chromatic Tuner: $3.99*

You’ll see some reviews complain of it crashing, and I’ve seen the problem too. It does seem to come and go, though. I’m hoping they do make it more stable – but it’s something to be aware of.
Trivial Pursuit: $4.99*

I won the first game I played on it, and have not won another game since. (And I’ve been playing a lot recently). Heh. I haven’t changed the difficulty but sometimes it sure does seem like it has the dice are stacked against me! LOL! It’s still fun to play. Since I’m on a multiplayer kick with these games, I was psyched to see it also can do multiplayer: either pass n’ play – or for wireless it has WiFi or Bluetooth. However, when I initially tried the wireless options, they didn’t seem to work. Bluetooth would only seem to work if you were hooking up with ONE player (maybe that’s something that’s unique to Bluetooth technology? – that it won’t connect with more than one device…? Not sure)
Monopoly: $2.99*

Ok, a few things I really like with this game: if you’re really stuck you have the option to use a “Best Word” feature. You only get a limited number, so it’s best to save them for when you really need them – like at the end when all you have left in your hand is a “Q” tile. 😉 (Did you know “Qi” is supposedly a word – and it’s worth a fair amount of points for a two letter word) 😉 So that brings me to my wish for this game. I think it would be great if it had a dictionary feature with it. Some words I’d really like to look up and see “Hey, exactly WHAT is a ‘Qi’!!!” or I’d like to play a word, or rather, what I think is a word – but I don’t know if it’s just something I’ve made up. Yes, you can try to play it and it will simply tell you it’s not a word, but I’d like to know. Maybe there’s something close that I was thinking of. I mean, hey, if you get a “Best Word” feature that will figure out the best use of your tiles – why not give me a few shots with a dictionary…?
Scrabble: $2.99*

If you get this game, and haven’t played it before – here’s a cute “easter eggs” – try tapping the same Chuzzle over and over and over again and see what happens.
So here’s my one complaint about the game: MAJOR battery eater. Like BIG TIME. If you ever feel like draining your battery, play this game. I’m not sure what they did with the game, but it must use up a ton of resources. (Maybe it’s all that groovy music it plays in the background) 😉
Chuzzle: $4.99*

Wheel of Fortune Platinum: $1.99*

I love the graphics in this game – I think there’s something about cute little food icons – I’m not sure what it is. One problem I did experience with the game that I see in the reviews on iTures that others have reported as well, is that sometimes the game is not as responsive as I would like. You click on an item, but it doesn’t register that you did. Otherwise, this is a fun game.
Turbo Subs: $1.99*
(This one also has a free version in case you want to try before you buy)

UNO: $4.99*
(There is also a free version so you can try the game out – but as I recall, the free game is extremely limited)

Fruit Ninja: $0.99*

With these types of calories counters, the service is only as good as their database – so it’s nice that they seem to have just about all the foods I tend to eat.
FoodScanner: $0.99 (currently on sale!!)
Ok, I said 10, but you made it this far down in the post so here’s a bonus freebie app. It’s a good one too! I’m trying to do something a little different exercise wise this time too – with the nice weather, and now that my daughter is big enough – she and I have been biking around town. We’ll go biking for an hour or more – leisurely, but still it’s exercise! When I came home the other night, Sam asked me how many miles did we bike – I had no idea. I tracked a path on Google maps and discovered we biked almost 8 miles. Probably not as much as serious bikers, but I was still pretty impressed. I thought there must be an app that will help track you as you go – and of course – as they say: “There’s an app for that” – the one I’m going to start playing around with is: RunKeeper (Free). You sign up on their website, and when you’re ready to start running or biking or whatever, turn on the app and tell it start tracking you. When you’re done you can upload your path and time, with all sorts of stats to the website and share it on Twitter or Facebook.
There is a “Pro” version of RunKeeper that costs $9.99, but I don’t see a side by side comparison that would show features that would make purchasing it worth the money. And the fact of the matter is that the free version does everything I need.
Updated to add: You can check out my runkeeper page here and see my activities.
*Price at time of this writing.
How I’d Use an iPad
When it became clear that the iPad was going to be the new product launched in January by Apple, my first reaction wasn’t excitement. But at the same time, it took me over a year before I got the whole iPhone thing. Obviously, we know how that worked out seeing how I have a huge selection of posts on this blog reviewing iPhone apps. I know they say that necessity is the mother of invention, but sometimes it seems like Apple has managed to reverse that equation. They seem to be really good at inventing a product that solves a problem I never even knew I had.
So the iPad – I was extremely surprised at the price – I had originally been thinking like most others, that a product like that would have been closer to the $1000 range. That would have completely put it out of the range of my even thinking about buying it (which was why I wasn’t terribly interested in it to start). But since the “entry” price into an iPad is much lower than I expected, suddenly I start to wonder, Would I buy one? What and how would I use it? Do I need one?
And here comes in the problem that I never knew existed. When we watch TV, I almost always have my iPhone with me because I check email compulsively. When I need to respond, a quick reply it’s fine, but when a longer response is needed, I need to head over to the computer. I also like to be able to look up things online sometimes while we’re watching. Maybe it’s because there’s an actor we see that I’m trying to remember what other shows have we seen them in. Or there’s a product or website that’s talked about and I want to immediately check it out or bookmark it. Or I could just be multi-tasking. Browsing the web, reading blogs, playing on twitter, while also watching TV. Or even away from the TV, just around the house, I’ll have my phone with me to look things up online, check the hours of a store, or make notes about what I need to do the next day, etc. The iPhone can work for some of this, but it’s not the most convenient because of its size. The laptop is just a little overkill for this, but does do the job. However, something in between is probably even better. Enter an iPad.
It makes me wonder if they specifically announce these products before they’re actually available so that people can spend the next few months doing exactly what I did. Putting the pieces together and realizing that actually a product like that would in fact be pretty useful and cool.
I’m not saying that I’m going to run out on day one and buy one. But I have to admit, that while I didn’t before, I do see one in my future at some point. The issue with Flash does bother me. (One of the other things I like doing while multi-tasking is playing games on Facebook – most of which are run via Flash) I also kind of wish the iPad had a camera. (I’ve had the same complaint about the iTouch and that is the main reason why I haven’t bought one for my daughter. I’m still kind of hoping the will eventually, and when they do, THEN I’ll buy it. But I’m not interested in investing the money in an iTouch when I think at some point they will add a camera) I am glad to see they made the 3G an OPTION. Being that I am the biggest home-body, I would probably get the 3G model but not sign up for the plan right away until I saw how and where I was actually using it. If I used it, as I expect to, mostly at home where wifi was available – then I don’t really need that 3G as much as I thought. (But I’d still probably get it with the capability in case that ever changed…)
As for the name – yeah, even I got a chuckle out of it, but I think in general people will get over the silly side of the name and move on. It’s not like the word “pad” is only used for one meaning. Certainly, as names go, iPod is probably more silly. So I don’t think this will really have any long term negative effects on the product itself.
I once made an abstract painting and titled it “The Universe is Expanding”
... because I can’t think of anything more abstract than the fact that the universe is expanding – and the fact that even though it’s expanding – it doesn’t have any boundaries. How can something that can’t be measured get bigger?
My father sent me another link to make my brain explode: Where is the center of the universe. And if the question alone doesn’t make your head spin, then the answer surely will (as do most answers relating to anything about the universe) – at least for me anyway. The answer is of course, there is no center.
(Although at least one of my kids might dispute this theory and insist that, no, there is in fact a center… and if you’re looking at them, then you’re looking right at it)
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