The most amazing hair product. Ever. No, really!!
Ok, this is a totally UNSOLICITED, UNPAID FOR, UNREQUESTED review. (Although if the company wants to pay me AFTER the fact, go for it. Or better, yet, just send me some more of this stuff please?)
My hair is super curly. It gets REALLY frizzy (even in Utah’s dry weather – you do NOT want to know what it used to look like when we lived on the humid east coast. Suffice to say – EVERY DAY was a bad hair day). Anyway, I’m always up for trying new products – always hopeful that SOMETHING will tame the frizz. I typically use Garnier Fructis Style Fiber Gum Putty – and it does an ok job, but my hair still usually overpowers it and curls up too much and/or gets too frizzy.
I also used to use Scruples Enforce Sculpting Glaze – this stuff was AWESOME. My only complaint about it was that it made my hair too “crunchy” – but you could “decrunch” it by grabbing a bunch of curls and squeezing for a second. I’m psyched to find it now available on Amazon. That was the other big problem is that I couldn’t find anyone that was selling it!
Last week, I brought the kids into SuperCuts to get haircuts because Wednesday was “picture day.” While we were there, I started looking at the various hair products they were selling in the salon. One of the haircutters was trying to convince me to get this, and I didn’t buy it right away. (Mostly because of the name of the product. “Curl Amplifier” makes it sound like it’s going to make my hair MORE curly. This would not be a good feature!) Instead, I bought something else that didn’t do what I wanted. It was some kind of “wax” thing from Paul Mitchel.. basically the end result was that not only did it do nothing for the frizz – it just made my hair greasy feeling. So I went back there to exchange it – and again she tried to convince me to give this product a try. Being that my selection hadn’t gone so well – I figured, I might as well listen to her!! LOL! So I bought it. TOTALLY TOTALLY Awesome. Seriously. No friz. No crunch. My hair curled up into perfect little ringlets without my spending hours twisting them together to force them into some organization. LOVE IT!!! Anyway, it’s called: TIGI Catwalk Curls Rock Curl Amplifier.
If you have super curly hair – you’ve definitely got to check it out!
Hey, I’m wearing that in my hair right now! I like it, but it’s super-sticky – I feel like I have to wash, then rewash my hands to get it off.
Yeah – it is pretty thick. Thicker than you’d think too. I used two squirts of the stuff yesterday, thinking it wouldn’t be enough, but it goes a long way!! So today I only used one, and it was plenty. I’m kind of used to the washing hands several times after applying hair product thing. LOL! Have you seen that Fiber Gum Putty stuff?? There’s a reason GUM is in the name… talk about thick and sticky!! (I hope this comment doesn’t bring unsavory Google searches to my blog now. ROFL!)
Huh, I was Googling “thick and sticky” and found your blog…
Just kidding.
I am going to go out right now and get this. My hair was frizzy in Utah and in Portland, it’s, well, let’s just say it’s bad.
I use this stuff too. It is really great. I only wash my hair every other shower (or less). On non-wash days I can get away with using about half a squirt and it still keeps the frizzies away. My favorite part? The bottle last FOREVER because you can use so little. It’s the only way I can justify the price.
Hey – have any of you used anything else from this product line? Is it worth trying?